The Bursar Office is here to help students with assessing charges, receiving payments, posting adjustments, initiating and delivering refunds, processing monthly billing statements, administration of various federal and institutional funds, and collection activities of past due accounts.
What is a Bursar Office?
If you’re just beginning your college journey, one of the new places you might be
visiting is the Bursar office. This is an important office to get to know as you adjust
to college life. The word BURSAR is a word that comes from the Latin word meaning
purse, which can help you to remember that a bursar is someone who helps the school
manage its finances.
The Bursar Office is responsible for assessing charges, receiving payments, posting
adjustments, initiating and delivering refunds, processing monthly billing statements,
and collecting past-due accounts.
Working With Student Accounts
The Bursar Office is the office you will go to in order to pay your bill and to ask questions regarding charges on your bill. They can also help you to set up a plan to pay your bill in installments if that is something that you and your family need to do. This is also where you will go if you have questions about a refund or if you need assistance with your BlazerOne card.
Contact Information
Bursar Office
The Bursar Office is located in the Welsh Administration Building.